10 Things I Pack for a Road Trip


road trip, silvercar,

if i’m being honest, living in southern california makes any trip in the car feel like a road trip.  i’ve grown accustom to waking up 4 hours early to avoid traffic and make it to LA without peeing my pants on the 405. so far, so good.

that being said i love a REAL road trip. there’s just something about not being bound by a flight times, and airport people that i can really get behind. not to mention being able to bring full size beauty products and over pack by about 20 pounds. (will i work out on this trip? NO! should i pack 3 outfits for working out? YES!)

so, without further adieu, i’d like to share a few of the things i pack and utilize on a road trip. some obvious, some maybe not so obvious…

 T. P. – we’ve all been there.

 H A N D  Sanitizer – gas pumps, rest stop bathrooms. don’t even get me started.

 M O I S T U R I Z E R – i can’t staaannnd the feeling of dry hands, so i usually have a small bottle with me. my current/longtime favorite is Kiehl’s Ultimate Strength Hand Salve. it melts into your hands without feeling greasy. 10/10.

C O O L E R – being able to pack my favorite food and drinks while avoiding precarious gas station subways? SIGN ME UP. we have the Yeti Hopper 30, which is a soft cooler and i love it because it doesn’t take up a massive amount of space. i usually fill it with take out meals from our favorite restaurants, la croix, high ball energy drinks, and fresh juice!

W A T E R  Bottle – i usually buy an enormous jug of water and refill my water bottle throughout the day(s). i love my Yeti Tumbler  or Swell Bottle.

D R I V E R S  License – this might seem obvious BUT, one time i flew with only my passport and i needed to rent a car when i landed. needless to say i wasn’t able to rent a car, despite having a photo of my drivers license on my phone.

T O W E L – you never know when you’ll pass by a fresh lake to jump into! this summer, on the way home from Tahoe, Josh and i stopped at June Lake for a dip & I stepped on a hornet. GOOD TIMES.

L I P  Balm Glossier’s Balm Dotcom will probably make it onto any list i ever make for the rest of my life. it’s the best thing that ever happened to lips, which by the way, mine  N E V E R get chapped anymore.  my fav flavors are birthday cake, cherry, and mint! leave this page, go buy it, then get back to me.

B O D Y  Wipes –   will make you feel alive again after being a disgusting person traveling in a car for days. i like the ones by Goodwipes – i use the individually wrapped lavender scented wipes which are also made with tea tree, peppermint & ginseng so they leave you with a fresh cooling effect. SO GOOD. hot tip: these are huge so sometimes i cut them in half, stuff the remainder back into the envelope, and use it the next day.

P E P P E R M I N T  Essential Oil – a drop of this on the back of your neck will make any long drive a little more tolerable. it’s relaxing, yet wakes you up at the same time. i get mine from doTERRA.

// PRO TIP : S I L V E R C A R

here’s the thing: if you ever decide to rent a car for a road trip, this is the place. i’ve rented from Silvercar so many times and everything about it is a breeze. easy to reserve, easy pickup, fun to drive.  every car is a brand new Audi. call me crazy, but i’m over the days of renting a shoebox that smells like smoke and drives like a piece of crap. road trips should be fun! and safe!


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