Kore Swim


Our traveling circue, on location for KORE Swim.

Our traveling cirque, on location for KORE Swim.

// behind the lens.

while unlaced combat boots seemed like a great wardrobe choice at 5am on a chilly morning by the beach, they were deleted from my outfit by noon. seriously, as i was crouched down in this photo next to the baking desert floor, i could have spontaneously combusted at any moment.

we converted this rig into a traveling hair and makeup trailer for the day, and drove it into the desert. for every gorgeous shot of a model in a bikini here, there are at least 5 (dehydrated) people behind the scenes making sure things come together. if you’ve worked on set you know there are at least 187 unidentified, mostly full water bottles appearing out of nowhere, but on this day we added a lot of watermelon and a lil’ corona.

when you find something you love to do, you’ll never work a day in your life.

the 2014 KORE SWIM campaign is absolutely stunning. check out a few of the final photos shot by photographer Joey Bettencourt in my portfolio HERE and HERE

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