New York Fashion Week. It’s kind of as crazy as it sounds. An opportunity to assist Seiji, a renowned stylist with The Wall Group, on a presentation for the label Joyrich popped up and I thought about it for about 2 seconds before I decided to head out. I packed my bag full of every tool I own except the one that has been taking up space in my bag for years and I never use. The one I would end up needing. The curling iron the size of my pinky.... Read The Rest →

ESPYS 2014

the ESPN ESPY awards went down last week,  and i was happy to work with Carissa Moore once again.  she was nominated for the best female action sports athlete, because she is an absolute bad ass in every way. Carissa has quite the presence, and the sweetest part is, i’m not even sure she knows it.  she’s the kind of girl who walks into the room, and if you don’t know who she is you feel like you probably should. she radiates from the inside and out, she’s smart, and one of the sweetest girls i... Read The Rest →

nailed it.

you know that kind of laughter that just WILL NOT quit? the kind that leaves you unable to make a sound with tears running down your face?  damn, that laughter is THE BEST. now that you know where this is headed, let me set the scene: it’s the middle of summer in LA and we are on set for a spot for Pinterest. as our luck would have it, we are also rolling sound in a house. (aka: everyone be quiet!  turn off the AC! whats that beeping!?) yeah you heard that…no... Read The Rest →

Got Milk?

got milk sunrise, craig alexander.

 // behind the lens. today started off absolutely beautiful. finding legit places to watch BOTH the sunrise and sunset over the ocean in california are rare, but this is one of them. its science. and geology. i wasn’t even mad i had to wake up at 4am for a “got chocolate milk” commercial, drive an hour to set with wrong directions, skip breakfast and coffee because i was able to see this. look at it. seriously, look at this photo. would you just look at it? i bet you didn’t look... Read The Rest →

Real Life: The Grocery Store

  // real life. ugh. the grocery store. its always 26 degrees below freezing your ass off, and you know you’re headed back following day because you forgot something. no full size carts avail? no problem. i wasn’t feeing bad about my whip either, until a little kid rolled past me pushing the same one & gave me a dirty look. he mean mugged me for a hot minute before he peeled out down the cheese aisle. my bad dude.

Kore Swim

  // behind the lens. while unlaced combat boots seemed like a great wardrobe choice at 5am on a chilly morning by the beach, they were deleted from my outfit by noon. seriously, as i was crouched down in this photo next to the baking desert floor, i could have spontaneously combusted at any moment. we converted this rig into a traveling hair and makeup trailer for the day, and drove it into the desert. for every gorgeous shot of a model in a bikini here, there are at least... Read The Rest →

A Haircut for Laura Enever

  // directly after qualifying in her heat for the US Surf Open,  the gorgeous and extremely sweet pro surfer Laura Enever stopped by for a cut yesterday.  her hair looks amazing no matter what, however with a few tricks i changed the shape of her hair to look even better.  i’ve always been in love with the effortlessly undone/done hair, and no one does it better then surfers…who let me cut their hair. check out a shot of Laura’s new cut from her insty. 

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